
2XU Website

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2XU Website


About the project

Global website redesign & consolidation

Done as part of a small team of two designers to streamline and redesign 2XU’s global websites as well as EDM templates and other digital branding and communication. The main aims were to produce a more premium look that matched how the brand positioned itself and to make the process of viewing, learning about and purchasing products easier and more enjoyable. Ceol’s role involved UX & UI design, web & graphic design, copywriting and web testing.

INDUSTRY:  Sportswear
COMPLETED:  Oct. 2015

Tailored to your sport

With a wide product range it was important that the site would inform customers about the advantages of garments suitable for their sports. Ceol created a number of different pages specific to individual sports with links directly to the most relevant and popular products. These were tailored to the sports most relevant to each country.

They would also serve as landing pages to be linked to directly when advertising to participants of a particular sport.

Clean & easy to navigate

The overall design of the website was simplified and stripped back to make navigation easier and to project a more premium image of the brand. This was responsible for a steady increase in sales after the launch of the new website.


  • Client Name: Ceol Ryder
  • Published Date: 13 Oct, 2016
  • Category: Web Design

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